A bright supernova discovered just six weeks ago in a nearby galaxy is causing new questions about exploding current events for science stars that scientists use current events for science as the main criterion to measure the universe.
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A composite color of BSN 3D , located in the " Cigar Galaxy " M 11.4 million light-years from images obtained by several Kai filters. The supernova is indicated by an arrow. On the other round objects are relatively close stars in our own Milky Way. Image W. Zhang and A. Filipino , UFC Berkeley current science events.
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Called MSN 3D , current science events for kids the brightest supernova was discovered by a teacher and students in the UK on January 21 , current science events about a week after the stellar explosion became visible as a point of light in your galaxy, M Apr. 11 million ' light-years in the Big Dipper . Still visible through small telescopes, is the brightest supernova to Earth MSN , 27 years ago , and perhaps the closest Type IA supernova - the type used to measure cosmic distances - more 77 years .
When the University of California, current science events Berkeley, the research team of the astronomer Alex Filipino They searched the supernova on data collected by the Katmandu Automatic Imaging Telescope ( KAI ) at Lick Observatory near San Jose, California, found that the robotic telescope had actually taken a picture of him 37 hours after onset , unknown , January 14 current science events for kids current events for science.
Combining this observation with another casual remark by a Japanese amateur astronomer, Filipino equipment could calculate that MSN 3D had unusual features - reads faster than expected for a Type IA supernova , and even more intriguing , even unexpected presentation lighting fast as another supernova KAI discovered and photographed last year - MSN O.K.'d .
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"Now , two of the three most recent and most observed type IA supernovae are rare , current events for science giving us new insights into how stars explode ," said Filipino , referring to a third party, even if supernova apparently "normal" Type IA MSN 3D discovered three years ago . " Whether we teach something general on Type IA supernovae that theorists need to understand . Maybe what we consider" normal "behavior of these supernovae is really unusual and strange behavior is new normal current science events. "
A paper describing the observations MSN 3D - first published in this supernova found - was published online this week in the Astrophysical Journal Letters and will appear in the print edition March 1 current science events .
Type IA supernovae as standard candles
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Astronomers realized decades ago that Type IA supernovae explode with about the same brightness, no matter where they are in the universe. This good " standard candles " for judging the distance is . In the U.S.S.R. , current science events ,two teams ( both included Filipino ) using Type IA supernovae to determine the distances of the galaxies, the distance to the speed and discovered that the universe is expanding faster and faster , the instead of stopping as planned. Team leaders , current events for science including UFC Berkeley astrophysicist Saul Perl mutter shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011 for this discovery current science events.
While recent discoveries do not contradict these results, improving the understanding of Type IA supernovae could help improve distance measurements and lead to more accurate estimates of the rate of expansion of the universe current science events, establishing restrictions on nature of " dark energy " , a mysterious energy which still comprises 70 percent of the universe and believed to be responsible for its acceleration.
The new data will also provide information on the physics that occurs in the core of the explosion current science events.
A Type IA supernova is believed that the explosion of a white dwarf - an old and very dense star that fell from the size of the Sun to the size of the Earth current science events. When a white dwarf has a companion star, sometimes it can be the subject of it until the white dwarf becomes unstable, fading completely through a massive nuclear explosion.
New telescopes to capture more supernovae current science events.
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Due to the importance of supernovae to measure the universe , many new telescopes, like the Palomar Transient Factor in San Diego and the Pan - STARR in Hawaii, recant the sky constantly discovering more of them current science events . The KAI telescope smaller than most recent are , therefore Filipino team changed its approach to the discovery of supernovae before field of view scan the same areas of the sky every night or every other night. The sooner you discover a new explosion current science events, astronomers can quickly capture information such as spectra that show how the supernova lit in different colors or wavelengths current science events.
Last year ,current science events for example , equipment and Lick Observatory Supernova Search KAI Filipino (LOSS) O.K.'d MSN discovered and photographed in two and a half hours of his appearance , rather than any other type IA . KAI , which is operated by postdoctoral researcher Zhang Epikong is programmed to automatically take pictures of supernovae probably five bands of different wavelength , and in 2012 won a supernova , MSN 3D , three minutes after its discovery current science events.
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" Very , very early observations provide the most stringent restrictions on the behavior of the real star is in the early stages of the explosion,current science events, rather than relying on theoretical speculation or extrapolation backwards from observations in recent times , it's like watching teens understand early childhood , current science events "said Filipino .
Colleagues understand Zhang Filipino , UFC Berkeley graduate student Isaac Shivers ; assistant specialist Kelsey I. Clubby , postdoctoral Cori D. Fox , Melissa L. Graham , Patrick L. Kelly and Jon C. Maura amateur astronomer Koch Taiga , current science events and Taiga Astronomical Observatory Yamaha, Japan, which has captured an image of MSN 3D only 20 hours after the explosion current science events.
The research was funded by the TABASCO Foundation, current science events the Sylvia & Jim Katmandu Foundation , Fund R. Christopher Relic , Gary and Cynthia Banger , Richard and Rhonda Goldman Fund, Weldon and Ruth Wood, and the National Science Foundation .
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