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food guide pyramid for kids

food guide pyramid for kids

food guide pyramid for kids

food guide pyramid for kids
To stay healthy , you should eat a variety of nutritious foods every day.
Not so easy to eat healthy , however,
what is the food guide pyramid
and this is where the food pyramid can help you!
food guide pyramid for kids.
The food pyramid is an easy way to learn how to eat healthily.
Just think like a puzzle of nutrients your body needs every day,
and the five major food groups are pieces of a puzzle .
food guide pyramid for kids.
Milk (3-4 servings) - foods are milk , yogurt and cheese.
The key ingredient is calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth.
Fruits (2-4 servings) - Fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C,
heals cuts and keeps the skin healthy and fiber, which helps digestion.
So stock up on fruit - fresh fruit , dried fruit, frozen fruit ,
canned fruit ... they are all good !
food guide pyramid for kids.
Vegetables ( 3-5 servings ) - vegetables are also excellent sources of fiber and vitamin A.
Remember that darker vegetables like carrots and broccoli have more nutrients .
Meat ( 2-3 servings ) - foods are meat (beef, chicken, turkey, fish, pork, but bacon )
beans and nuts . This group provides iron and protein , which gives strong muscles .
Grains (6-11 servings) - This group of foods that give you energy because it contains carbohydrates.
what is the food guide pyramid
Bread, cereal, rice and pasta.
Food Pyramid - Guide Update
food guide pyramid for kids
The food pyramid is updated every five years .
When it was updated in January 2005, the biggest change was to increase
consumption of fruits, vegetables, grains and milk.
food guide pyramid for kids
food guide pyramid for kids
Eat 2 cups of fruit per day .
Eat 2 1/2 cups of vegetables per day .
Eat 3 ounces or more daily whole products .
Drink 3 cups of fat-free or low fat per day .
food guide pyramid for kids.
food guide pyramid for kids
what is the food guide pyramid ??
what is the food guide pyramid for kids ??
The guide update now includes guidelines for the exercise Recommend
you exercise for at least 30 minutes per day. but
what is the food guide pyramid ?
it also allows you to eat sweets like chocolate and ice cream,
As long as you get enough foods rich in nutrients in your meals !
Food Pyramid - Did you know ?
what is the food guide pyramid
food guide pyramid for kids
food guide pyramid for kids
About 80 % of Americans are aware of the food pyramid,
but only 8 % follow its recommendations.
Junk food like chips , are not included in the food groups,
This is why schools have withdrawn from their vending machines.

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